Do you have several competitors offering the same or comparable products as you do?
Are your customers able to compare various shops within a couple of minutes?
Do your customers simply order products without asking and giving you the chance to degrade the prices according to the level of the competitor?
Do your competitors vary their prices on a regular basis without you noticing it?
Do you sell your products within the fixed commerce as well? Discover which advantages the fixed commerce can have right here!
You want to know how which products you should add to your portfolio, which you should not sell anymore or which products you should advertise more than you do now?
You can answer these questions easily using our competitor analysis!
You want to enjoy a comfortable, relaxing discussion with your manufacturers and suppliers the next time?
We give you the data to do so!
Then you can easily show them for which prices the competition is selling.
You want to know the alternative to your products and the prices, for which they are selling? To monitor these alternatives, too?
Use our analysis to do so!
You need the information, why you do not sell your products even though pricing is fine? We tell you how availability, delivery time and services have an impact on the customers choice – and show you how to optimise!
You want to know which products you should keep on stock? You are unsure for which products the customers are happy to have them available, and for which ones the customers are okay with a longer delivery time? We can tell you. And you have less capital laying in your stocks.
You need to get to know your market positioning? We tell you. Depending on the data package you chose you will get information regarding your lowest and highest bidding competition, or even all prices for all competitors – including historical data.
See the recommended actions within our reports and discover what you need to change to achieve your goals.
There is one single report for every topic so that you do not have to search for a long time or spend too much time analysing data.
You can easily export or connect your data to different sources, such as Google Analytics.