Für Agenturen, Berater und Analysten:
den Kunden helfen Ziele zu erreichen, Umsatz erhöhen, Positionierung kennen, sich unentbehrlich machen
Make your customers reach their goals. Fast and reliable.
Do your customers expect you to grant them recommendations in order to be able to reach fast and sustainably set goals?
Do your customers often do not know their own competition?
Do you have problems achieving your set results since your customer does not set your prices in line with the market or since the portfolio shows gaps?
With Prosoom you’ll immediately detect the weak points of your costumers so that you’ll be able to show transparent reasons and to offer options.
You are tired of endless market researches trying to find out all competitors of your customers? You would like to know them and their positioning by one click?
Using Prosoom, it is just as easy as that. With our data your marketing campaigns are even more targeted and succesfuller.
You would like to inform your customers about missing products in their portfolio? We tell you the products, their competition is offering. And the pricing. And since when.
You can use this information easily to offer more consulting services and increase turnover and customer satisfaction.
You want to save time and money and give your customers recommendations for acting easy and fast? Using Prsoom-data you can do it.
You want to include Prosoom-Data as easy as possible in your customer reports? We offer predefined reports as well as raw data. Just as you prefer.
You would prefer to merge Prosoom-Data into your database structure? We offer an interface to merge our data into several BI-solutions – to save time and money.
You want to pass information about marketing campaigns of the competition on to your customers? Or derive similar action? We inform you immediately about changing prices in the market. So you keep teh overview about all of your customers markets.
You want to enrich your services with price optimisation? In the past your marketing campaigns were less succesful because communication politics and price politics did not go hand in hand? We offer the needed information. So the campaigns your plan for your customers can increase efficiency and succes.
No matter how many competitors your customer has and no matter which goals they set for themselves: You’ll be able to see the recommended actions easily, depending on every goal.
That way you’ll be able to export the reports for your customers without any effort. At the same time, you’ll be able to show your own development and successes fast and easily.
In case your customer won’t not know a competitor or in case a new competitor will appear in the market, Prosoom will detect them automatically.
Your data will easily and conveniently be combined with different sources of analytics such as google analytics.